Sunday, November 25, 2012


We had a great time at our Boosterthon Fun Run before the break! As a class, we raised over $800 for our school!! Way to go BLACK ATTACK! Thanks to all those who came out to support your child.  For those that were not able to make it, here are some pictures for your enjoyment!

And of course we had to do a silly shot!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Class Angel

First off, I hope that everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving with their families! I certainly did.  I am feeling very blessed and thankful this year.  I am especially thankful for all my wonderful firsties and the families that raise them. Each and every one of them has a special spot in my heart!

I am also thankful for programs like "Small World" that help families in need have a joyful and memorable holiday season.  Small world is the program that helps coordinate our class "angel".  I am a big believer and supporter of this program.  I want to thank everyone who sent in monetary donations, as well as gifts for our angel this year! I know that our angel will have a wonderful holiday season because of you!

We received shoes, a coat, a scarf, a barbie doll and a few more clothing items. Thank you so much for these donations!  I did a little black Friday shopping in order to maximize the gifts we could get her! With the $ you guys sent in, I was able to purchase a Barbie vacation home, 2 hooded sweatshirts, 2 tops, a pair of jeans, leggings, and socks.

Thank you again for making this sweet child's Christmas wishes come true!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mrs. Black for President

I am just sitting down to watch election coverage on TV and I thought I would share with you the results from our class election today. 

We read the books My Teacher for President and Duck for President. 

We talked about the voting process and even made our own voter registration card.
We campaigned for our favorite candidate and hung the posters around the room.  

A makeshift voting booth was set up. In order to vote, I checked voter registration cards.  Students filled out official ballots and cast them in the ballot box.

We finally counted the votes and the winner is....
Mrs. Black!
Happy Election Day!
-Mrs. Black